Company Particulars

The ARCSG Pty Ltd trading as The ARCS Group is a formalisation of a two company partnership.

The partnership consists of:

PL & AJLOCK Pty Ltd based in Brisbane.
ACN: 061 380 756
ABN: 88 061 380 756

MILFORD HOLDINGS Pty Ltd based in Perth.
ACN: 009 019 818
ABN: 64 009 019 818
Place of incorporation: Australia

Year of establishment: Milford Holdings was established in 1983. PL&AJLOCK was established in 1993.

The formal association of Australasian Railway Consulting Services was established in 1999.

Address and contact details for entity:

Phil Lock

30 Agnes St Auchenflower
QLD 4066
Tel: 07 3870 3039
Mobile 0412 800 970

Phil McCluskey

56 Henry Lawson Walk, East Perth
WA 6153
Tel: 08 9225 5805
Mobile: 0412 249 221

Company Particulars:

ACN: 163 970 367
ABN: 52 163 970 367
Trading as: The ARCS Group

Address: Unit 3/160 Edward Street, Perth 6000, Western Australia

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