Mesh-Net Lighting and SCADA control
Better, safer, faster, smarter

Nitty-gritty technical challenges, like scouring the globe to source the best product for a given solution, or inventing one that’s even better. 

That’s just the way we’re wired. That’s why, when we say we’ll deliver a solution, we deliver. First time. And that’s how we save you time, trouble and money – when you’re dealing directly with the industry’s brightest minds, you get the answers you need, faster. 

No excuses. No cost blow outs. Just a solution that works. 


We all know sustainability is important for the future wellbeing of man-kind on planet earth. However as individuals and communities we are often not sure of how we can be part of the solution. One way is to ensure our street lighting uses less energy.



The world is becoming more connected. While our Mesh-net controller currently focuses on lighting. it has applicability in all communications systems. from water usage monitoring to alerting community services when public bins require emptying.

Our current solution is Smart light focused. as our tag line promises. we can and will provide an innovative and cost effecting solution to any problem thrown our way. Where other vendors may offer a lighting solution. we offer a lighting solution and a communications backbone. allowing connection from a wide array of geographically dispersed devices back to your business.

The MeshNet controllers provide full control of lighting. whether 0-lOV. l-lOV. or simple on-off lights. We measure the current. track power consumption. monitor lighting level and movement. and provide automatic light operation based on those inputs. or on commands from supervisory systems. As the controller is a very low-power device. it is ideal for remote solar-powered installations.

The MeshNet controller not only provides class-leading light-control function. it also provides an extension to its Zigbee self-healing network. If you have other control or monitoring needs within sight of a light pole. ARCS has your solution.


Sustainability is fast becoming a higher priority for our community. the ability to provide users with real time information has the potential to encourage more sustainable practices.

Our solution provides the communication network Mesh-Net: enabling the use of resources such as power and water to be monitored and distributed in real time helping users to adopt better. safer. faster and smarter practices.

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